Peardeck Join – FAQ:

Answers to all your Pear Deck questions about joining a lesson, how to answer questions, and information about the types of questions available in Peardeck.

What is Pear Deck?

Pear Deck is a freemium formative assessment tool that allows teachers to design interactive presentations and engage students in learning through multiple choice questions, drag-and-drop and text-based prompts, drawing, interactive maps, and more. Pear Deck can be used in any grade level or subject area.

peardeck join faq

How does Pear Deck work?

To use Pear Deck, teachers create a presentation in Google Slides or PowerPoint Online and then add Pear Deck questions to the slides. When students open the presentation, they will see a live version of the presentation on their own devices. They can then interact with the questions and submit their answers.

What are the benefits of using Pear Deck?

Pear Deck offers a number of benefits for teachers, including:

  • Increased student engagement: Pear Deck helps to engage students by making learning more interactive and engaging. Students are more likely to pay attention and participate when they are actively involved in the learning process.
  • Improved formative assessment: Pear Deck can be used to collect formative assessment data on student understanding. This data can be used to identify areas where students need additional support.
  • Real-time feedback: Pear Deck provides teachers with real-time feedback on student participation. This feedback can be used to adjust the lesson as needed.
  • Easy to use: Pear Deck is easy to use for both teachers and students. Teachers can create presentations quickly and easily, and students can interact with the questions without any special training.

What are the different types of Pear Deck questions?

Pear Deck offers a variety of question types, including:

  • Multiple choice: Students select the correct answer from a list of choices.
  • Drag-and-drop: Students drag and drop objects to the correct location.
  • Text: Students type in their answers.
  • Drawing: Students draw their answers.
  • Hotspot: Students click on a specific area of the slide.
  • Open ended: Students answer a question in their own words.
  • Website: Students interact with a website within the Pear Deck presentation.

How can I get started with Pear Deck?

To get started with Pear Deck, you will need to create a free account. Once you have created an account, you can add Pear Deck to your Google Slides or PowerPoint Online presentation. You can find more information on how to get started with Pear Deck on the Pear Deck website.

What are the system requirements for Pear Deck?

Pear Deck can be used on any device with a web browser. However, for the best experience, teachers and students should use a device with a large screen and a good internet connection.

Is Pear Deck safe to use?

Pear Deck is a safe and secure platform. All student data is encrypted and stored in the cloud. Pear Deck also complies with all applicable privacy laws.

Is Pear Deck free?

Pear Deck is free to use for teachers and students. However, there are some premium features that require a paid subscription.

How do I join a Pear Deck session?

To join a Pear Deck session, you will need to have a Google or Microsoft Office 365 account. Your teacher will give you a join link or join code. To join the session, you can:

  • Click on the join link.
  • Go to and enter the join code.
  • If your teacher has required email login, you will be automatically logged in with, or prompted to choose, your email account before entering the Session.

How do I answer questions in Pear Deck?

To answer questions in Pear Deck, you will need to click on the answer that you choose. If the question is a text-based question, you can type your answer in the text box. If the question is a drawing question, you can draw your answer on the slide.

How do I know if my answer was submitted correctly?

Once you have answered a question, you will see a green check mark if your answer was submitted correctly. If your answer was incorrect, you will see a red X.

What if I have technical problems?

If you have technical problems with Pear Deck, you can ask your teacher for help. You can also visit the Pear Deck website for troubleshooting tips.

Tips for using Pear Deck:

  • Make sure that you are using a device with a good internet connection.
  • If you are having trouble seeing the questions, you can zoom in on the slide.
  • If you are having trouble answering a question, you can ask your teacher for help.
  • Be sure to participate in all of the questions! Your participation helps your teacher to understand what you are learning.

I have more questions. Where can I get help?

If you have any questions about Pear Deck, you can visit the Pear Deck website or contact the Pear Deck support team.

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