Nearpod Code – Nearpod Join Code – FAQ.

Join a Nearpod lesson as a student with a Nearpod Join Code. This is how you do it.

What is a Nearpod Join Code?

A Nearpod Join Code is a five-character code that students use to join a Nearpod lesson. Teachers create Nearpod lessons and share the Join Code with their students. Students can then enter the Join Code to join the lesson and participate in the activities.

What you need to know about Nearpod Join Codes:

  • Join Codes are case-sensitive.
  • Join Codes are unique to each lesson.
  • Join Codes can be reused for the same lesson.
  • Teachers can create a public Join Code that anyone can use to join the lesson.
  • Teachers can also create a private Join Code that only specific students can use to join the lesson.
nearpod code - nearpod join code
To enter a Nearpod Join code, visit and enter the code in the ‘Enter Code’ Field, and click on Join.

How do I use Nearpod Join code as a Student?

To use a Nearpod Join Code as a student, you will need:

A mobile phone, tablet or computer with a web browser or the Nearpod app.

The five-character Join Code that your teacher gave you.

To join a Nearpod lesson using a web browser:

  • Go to the Nearpod website.
  • Click on the “Student” tab or go directly to
  • Enter the five-character Join Code that your teacher gave you.
  • Click on the “Join” button.

To join a Nearpod lesson using the Nearpod app:

  • Open the Nearpod app.
  • Enter the five-character Join Code that your teacher gave you.
  • Click on the “Join” button.

Once you have joined the lesson, you will be able to see the presentation and interact with the activities.

Tips for using a Nearpod Join Code as a student:

  • Make sure that you are using a device with a good internet connection.
  • If you are having trouble joining the lesson, you can ask your teacher for help.
  • If you are using a mobile device, make sure that you have the latest version of the Nearpod app installed.

Examples of Nearpod codes:

A Nearpod code are created in these formats:


A Nearpod code is case-sensitive, so it is important to enter them exactly as they are written.

Tips about Nearpod codes:

  • Nearpod codes are unique to each lesson.
  • A Nearpod code can be reused for the same lesson.
  • Teachers can create a public Nearpod code that anyone can use to join the lesson.
  • Teachers can also create a private Nearpod code that only specific students can use to join the lesson.

How to Launch Nearpod Codes as a Teacher:

This is how you launch multiple Nearpod codes as a teacher:

  1. Go to the Nearpod website and log in to your account.
  2. Click on the “My Library” tab.
  3. Hover over the Nearpod that you want to launch.
  4. Click on the “Teaching mode” button for your new code.
  5. If you have an active code for this lesson in that mode, the message below will appear. To launch an additional code, click on the blue “Launch new” button at the top.
  6. A new code will be generated. Share with your students, and repeat if additional codes are needed.

Tips for launching multiple Nearpod codes as a teacher:

  • You can launch multiple codes for the same lesson. This can be helpful if you want to differentiate instruction for different groups of students or if you want to allow students to work at their own pace.
  • You can also launch multiple codes for different lessons. This can be helpful if you are teaching multiple classes or if you are teaching a lesson that requires students to work on different activities.
  • When you launch multiple codes, students will be able to see all of the codes that are available. They can then choose the code that they want to join.


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